Case Study - Streamlining healthcare admin tasks

Maniya Health, a leading healthcare provider, partnered with Devparty to overcome inefficiencies in their scheduling and patient management systems. The custom Chrome extension and integration with EHRS streamlined their operations and boosted productivity.

Maniya Health
System Integration, Chrome Extension Development
Maniya Health Website


Maniya Health, a prominent provider of Primary Care, Urgent Care, and Specialty Care across three locations in New Jersey, faced significant operational challenges. Their workflow was hindered by manual data entry, frequent software switching, and redundant copy-pasting tasks. These inefficiencies resulted in increased operational costs and reduced productivity.

The Challenge

Maniya Health required a solution to streamline their patient management and scheduling processes. Their goal was to reduce manual handling of data and improve integration with their existing EHRS. They turned to Devparty for a comprehensive solution that would address these issues and enhance their operational efficiency.

Our Approach

1. Understanding the Requirements

Our team conducted a thorough analysis of Maniya Health’s existing systems and workflows. We collaborated closely with their staff to understand their specific needs and pain points. This in-depth consultation allowed us to design a solution tailored to their requirements.

2. System Integration and Chrome Extension Development

To address the challenges, we developed a custom Chrome extension that integrated seamlessly with their EHRS. This extension automated repetitive tasks, such as data entry and appointment scheduling, reducing the need for manual intervention and software switching.

3. Leveraging Vercel Backend

We used Vercel to build robust APIs that facilitated smooth communication between the Chrome extension and EHRS. This ensured real-time data synchronization, minimizing discrepancies and reducing administrative workload.

4. Implementation and Testing

After development, we conducted extensive testing to ensure the solution functioned as intended. Our team worked closely with Maniya Health to implement the system across their locations and support for a seamless transition.

5. Results and Impact

The new system led to significant improvements in operational efficiency. By automating manual tasks and integrating with EHRS, Maniya Health experienced a substantial increase in staff productivity, with operations streamlined and administrative overhead reduced. The enhanced scheduling process and accurate data management contributed to an improved patient experience.

Technologies Used

  • Chrome Extension Development: Custom-built to integrate with EHRS, automating administrative tasks.
  • EHRS: Core system for patient management and scheduling.
  • Vercel Backend: APIs built with Vercel for seamless data synchronization and system communication.


Devparty’s tailored solution transformed Maniya Health’s operations, showcasing our dedication to delivering high-quality, impactful software solutions. Our collaboration led to a streamlined process, increased productivity, and a more efficient operation overall.

Client Testimonial

“Devparty’s expertise in system integration was remarkable. Their tailored solution transformed our operations, cutting down manual effort and boosting productivity. Highly recommended for their professionalism and innovative approach.”
— CEO of Maniya Health

  • Custom Web Development
  • Chrome Extension Development
  • Operational Efficiency
  • System Integration
  • Healthcare Tech
Reduction in Manual Effort
Increased Productivity
Faster Scheduling
Improved System Efficiency

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